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Welcome to Room 13's blog.

This is the place you will find our classroom activities, the things we are interested in and the learning that goes with these. We will also update you on things that are happening in our school and community. We would love for you to contribute feedback to our work.

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Pink Pouakai Fever

Pink Pouakai Fever
Room 13 on Athletics day

Flower Festival Challenge

Flower Festival Challenge
Looking Fabulous


On the 22nd of April at seven in the morning, I went to Wellington Hospital with my Mum.
When we got there we went up to Ward 18 in the children’s ward. In Ward 18 a nurse called Ainye came in and gave me one of those funny dress things and got my Mum to sign some forms.
Forty minutes later Dr. Rob Rowan and his team arrived and told me what they were going to do, screw metal plates into my feet. Then they put me on a trolley and pushed me to a really small room.
For another twenty minutes I talked to my mum until finally the nurses came in and wheeled me into theatre.
After they had gotten a needle into me (a lot of screaming happened) my mum told me they were giving me some milk through the needle. I knew she had been lying so I started screaming again.
When I woke up I was in a different room. I tried sitting up but I fell back down because I was so dizzy.
A few minutes later my mum and dad came in and gave me a hug.
The next day I was allowed to go home.
It had been a hard day and night, I was glad to be home.

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